Tuesday, October 2, 2012

[Indicator+System] Implus System

*This system has made $1,500,000 dollars over the 20 year time frame*
This system was actually introduced in a book called "Come into my trading room".
Implus system consists of 2 different indicators: 1) EMA and 2)MACD Osc.
With EMA you will observe the overall trend and MACD Osc. will allow you to observe the market momentum.The key to this system is to use 2 different time frames so that you can trade with a bigger picture in mind.For example, if your trading 10min chart then make 60min your anchor chart. If your trading with a day chart then use a week time frame as your anchor chart.
In the book, the author quoted that it is more of a trading technique rather than a mechanical system. Therefore, this system is somewhat of a subjective system.
[Trading Technique]
Long Position
[Week EMA(13) > Last Week EMA(13) and Week MACD Osc(12,16,9) > Last Week MACD Osc(12,16,9) and day EMA(13) > day Week EMA(13) and day MACD Osc(12,16,9) > Last day MACD Osc(12,16,9)]
Exit Long Postion
[Day EMA(13) < Last Day EMA(13) or Day MACD Osc(12,26,9) < Last Day MACD Osc(12,26,9)]

Short Position
[Week EMA(13) < Last Week EMA(13) and Week MACD Osc(12,16,9) <  Last Week MACD Osc(12,16,9) and day EMA(13) < day Week EMA(13) and day MACD Osc(12,16,9) < Last day MACD Osc(12,16,9)]

Exit Short Postiion
[Day EMA(13) > Last Day EMA(13) or Day MACD Osc(12,26,9) > Last Day MACD Osc(12,26,9)]

[Impuls Chart Signals]
var : EmaV(0), MacdV(0), MacdS(0), MacdOsc(0);
EmaV = ema(C, 13);
MacdV = macd(12,26);
MacdS = ema(MacdV,9);
MacdOsc = MacdV-MacdS;
if EmaV > EmaV[1] and MacdOsc > MacdOsc[1] Then
PlotPaintBar(H,L,O,C,"impuls", MAGENTA);
else if EmaV < EmaV[1] and MacdOsc < MacdOsc[1] Then
PlotPaintBar(H,L,O,C,"impuls", CYAN);
PlotPaintBar(H,L,O,C,"impuls", BLACK);

[Impuls EMA indicator]
Input : Period1(13), Period2(65);
var1 = ema(C,Period1);
var2 = ema(C,period2);
if var1 > var1[1] Then
plot1(var1, "ema", Red, def, 0);
plot1(var1, "ema", blue, def, 0);
if var2 > var2[1] Then
plot2(var2, "ema_long", Red, def, 1);
plot2(Var2, "ema_long", blue, def, 1);

[Impuls MACD Osc Indicator]
input: macd1(12), macd2(26), macd3(9);
var : MacdV(0), MacdS(0), MacdOsc(0);
MacdV = macd(macd1,macd2);
MacdS = ema(MacdV,macd3);
MacdOsc = MacdV-MacdS;
if MacdOsc > MacdOsc[1] Then

[Impuls System]
Input : EmaLen(13), macd1(12), macd2(26), macd3(9);
input: LongEmaLen(65), Longmacd1(60), Longmacd2(130), Longmacd3(45);
var : emaV(0), MacdV(0), MacdS(0), MacdOsc(0);
var : LemaV(0), LmacdV(0), LmacdS(0), LmacdOsc(0);

# intermediate timeframe
emaV = ema(C,EmaLen);
MacdV = macd(macd1,macd2);
MacdS = ema(MacdV,macd3);
MacdOsc = MacdV-MacdS;

# intermediate timeframe*5
LemaV = ema(C,LongEmaLen);
LmacdV = macd(Longmacd1,Longmacd2);
LmacdS = ema(LmacdV,Longmacd3);
LmacdOsc = LmacdV-LmacdS;

# Long Position
If LemaV > LemaV[1] and LmacdOsc > LmacdOsc[1] then {
if emaV > emaV[1] and macdOsc > MacdOsc[1] Then

# Short Position
If LemaV < LemaV[1] and LmacdOsc < LmacdOsc[1] then {
if emaV < emaV[1] and macdOsc < MacdOsc[1] Then

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